Tuesday, September 18, 2012

wedding fun!

i know why the caged bird sings.

well, i don't. what i do know is why the bride goes crazy around her wedding day. even a self professed non-singing bird that lives in a huge cage and doesn't care about things like embossed napkins.
for me, it's a combo of things, but i bet most of you could relate to a couple of them.

1.) i don't craft. i'm not a hot glue gun wizard. i detest shopping. i've never in my life gotten my hair styled and makeup done. i can't ice a cake. since i am (surprisingly) not a botanist, i can't tell you what kind of flowers i prefer. i couldn't care less about table top decoration. simply put, I couldn't be further from Martha Stewart.

2.) i care desperately about the photos. they are, after all, the only thing you get to keep after the event. so inadvertently, i care desperately about how everything looks.

3.) i'm trying to stay on budget here. i don't know any real person, who in this economy, with a mortgage (or my unfortunate case- two mortgages), insurance, car payments, and other obnoxious "adult" things; that really wants to spend a large sum of money on anything. much less a wedding.  this is compounded by the fact that i really am a miser. whenever i think about that big number, i get nauseous.  it would pay for all three of the bathroom remodels that are desperately needed in the house.
(seriously- the corner whirlpool in the master bathroom is actually a unique water feature for the office ceiling. ask us how we found out!)

4.) i want me to look good. i'm a girl. this fact alone is cause enough to turn me into a nervous wreck.

-as a photographer (and former wedding photographer at that) i'm hardwired to want the best possible props, background, etc for my wedding.
-as a realist, i want the cheapest solution i can get because i'd desperately love a refrigerator that doesn't leak like a sieve while making ice.

do you see the dilemma?

i'm vastly aware of how my own domestic shortcomings will be financially impacting my bottom line.
caged financially. singing out of a desire to make it as perfect as possible.

frankly, i don't know how any bride-to-be isn't pulling her hair out. i mean, there isn't a good solution. either i win the lottery, or i become a hot glue gun wizard. both are about as likely as Hercules having puppies.
in the face of such impossible odds and in pursuit of the perfect backdrop...

i've suffered third degree burns on every finger. glued myself to a paper cutter. narrowly avoided Kora ingesting a purple star shaped tack. created hercules a collar out of craft paper. suffered an emotional breakdown in Michael's. stabbed myself (blood was involved) with tacks, pins and florist wire. soldiered on for an entire day with (god bless her) Ashlee Jacobs creating the exact same shape. over and over until our fingers were raw and the table was covered in crazy glue. and experienced Office Space level frustrations with my printer.

fortunately for my appendages, the day is nearly upon us!