overly bubbly unknown female on phone: hi there and thank you for calling The Pamper House- this is Kelly! how can i help you?
Sarah: hi there Kelly. I wanted to have a spa day with my fiance and I had a couple questions.
Kelly: your fiance?
Sarah: Yes. It's his birthday weekend and I had some questions.
Kelly: Like a guy? A male?
Sarah: Yes Kelly, my fiance is a guy.
Kelly: Ok, that's a strange present.
Sarah: I don't take your meaning- but could you answer a couple questions?
Kelly: Yes ma'am. What can I help you with today?
Sarah: First, do you offer couples massages, and second, are the wet areas for men and women separate or together?
Kelly: What?
Sarah: First, do you offer couples massages?
Kelly: You want to massage him?
Sarah: No! I want us both to get massages, but I wondered if you offered them together, in the same room? You know- a couples massage.
Kelly: No. (sounding decidedly confused) No ma'am. We don't do anything like that.
Sarah: Oh darn it. (I said that- the Texas hick thing is wearing off on me- or more likely, bringing out my inner hick). Well a girl can hope. So what about the wet areas?
Kelly: Wet areas?
Sarah: Yeah, are they separate? Or joint? Because I don't want to spend the day there is they are separate.
Kelly: The day here? I don't understand ma'am.
Sarah: Well not all day, but a couple hours. You know, you're working at a "day spa."
Kelly: We don't have any wet areas.
silence from me.....
silence continues.....
Kelly: Ma'am? Are you there?
Sarah: How are there no wet areas?
Kelly: Well there are bathrooms. And wet-ish areas for the rubs and wraps. But those are completely private.
Sarah: But the spas? They're wet aren't they?
Kelly: We are a spa ma'am. But we have no wet areas.
Sarah: How can that be?
Kelly: Ma'am, I'm going to get my manager.
Manager: Hi there, Kelly tells me you had some questions for you and your fiance??
Sarah: Hi I was wondering about your wet areas.
Manager: EXCUSE ME?!!
Sarah: Wet areas. The hot and cold tubs, the saunas and steam rooms. Are they separate for men and women?
Manager: We don't have anything like that here.
Sarah: What? I thought this was a spa.
Manager: This is a spa, but we don't offer anything like that.
Sarah: You don't offer any wet areas? None at all?
Manager: That's correct miss.
Sarah: But you call yourself a spa? I'm sorry, I'm finding this confusing.
Manager: Miss, we offer a wide range of facials, manicures, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, even belly button candling.
Sarah: Belly button candling? You offer belly button candling and you don't have a hot tub?
Manager: Why on earth would we have a hot tub?
Sarah: Because you're a spa! The very definition is built on the idea of social bathing. You know- healing waters and all that jazz? You can't call yourself a spa and then ignore the very meaning of the word! That's like opening a pizza shop, only selling sushi, and justifying it by saying that the sushi is also food. It doesn't work that way- you can't just change the meaning of a word to make yourself sound posh or trendy.
Manager: You want to bathe socially with your fiance? I'm sorry, we are not that type of establishment.
I called seven other "spas" in town. None of them had "wet areas" either. In short, they were Salons that offered massages.