All this means I should pack. Get ready to go to the install, etc, etc. Not actually a lot of work, I mean, at this point I could likely pack my suitcase with my eyes closed. Hower, I do need to finish cleaning the house. So I haven't.
However, while working through a monstrous pile of receipts, I discovered that my wallet was irrevocably stretched to pieces. And was not capable of holding anything, items simply slide out of the gaping pockets. Which is a shame and of course led me to the conclusion that I clearly shouldn't have emptied out my wallet. I considered putting them back in, but then remembered that I'd already mailed them. Therefore, since the clear solution was impossible, I was left with the second best option, buying a new wallet.
Which means, I ventured into a store.
Let's visit the facts:
Sarah needs new wallet.
Sarah has many things to do.
Sarah goes to store to get new wallet.
I remember walking through the front doors. Next thing I know, 90 minutes have passed, and I've just swiped my credit card fr my purchases.
The part in between seems a bit blurry.
Here's the part that completely flummoxes me. Items in my bag? Wallet (thank god), two uber cute shirts (okay, everyone always needs more cute shirts), and RED COWBOY BOOTS.
While I'll admit that I've been wanting cowboy boots for....well ages really, I can't figure out what possessed me to purchase them. (I'm not revealing the price either so don't even ask. Just let it suffice that these are real honest to god boots, just like those expensive ones I'm always drooling over. In fact, exactly like them).
How does this happen??
I had no time to spare, I went in for a single item, and now, 90 minutes later, I found myself with RED boots and a feeling of being taken. Is this merely a symptom of being female? Does anyone else out there seem to blackout and purchase things?
I fear the disease might be spreading, so as a precautionary measure, I'm heading home, lounging on the couch (a safe distance away from my car keys and my wallet) and watching the second half of my Sherlock episode.
I mean really, who can pack when they know there's the second half to a thrilling episode to complete? Certainly not me!